K9 Stories

As a social responsibility, K9 School has pledged to foster & train rescue dogs to be able to find them homes faster.

Currently, Sakura is being fostered at K9 School where she will be trained and also go through rigorous hydrotherapy to help with her muscles and bones to regain strength.

Here’s her story,

Meet Sakura!

She is a survivor. She can run, she can walk, she loves humans, and enjoys sniffing the ground among the other things.

Nobody can tell her story by looking at her. She has survived being run over twice; that had left her hip and leg fractured and a rod had to be put in for her to be able to walk again.

She was rescued and cared for by nice people at Paws For A Cause, who also raised money for her surgery.

Her legs have recovered nicely, although the incident has taken away her confidence. She gets scared easily, she needs the company of humans all the time.

We’re working on her separation anxiety and building up her confidence gradually. We aim to teach her basic obedience and being a happy and stable companion to a human.

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