K9 Stories

My last puppy group class. The biggest turnout we had ever managed, for a single batch.

Having completed 13-14 successful batches, and boasting a core team of over 10 trainers in NCR; this was one of the milestone moments for the growth and expansion of @k9schoolindia

I handed the baton to other very capable senior trainers for Obedience lessons and puppy group classes so I can focus more on the administration and growth of the company.

Having stepped out of the trainer’s role a few years ago is still not accepted by many pet parents as they demand each dog to be personally trained by me which became impossible for over 3000 pets in our client community.

Our working dog field was finally put to use in its optimum state, hosting and catering around 15 pups in a batch that should hold 5-6

Our team of trainers at the time was flourishing in their careers. From the opportunities they got working with us, they were able to become financially independent. The glimmer of happiness amongst our trainers to be able to pay for their own house or car was incomparable.

We had never thought being a dog trainer could let us reach normal income brackets as all of us had been pushed down by society for this to be an ‘unacceptable’ profession.

The concept of Indian masses always measuring the ‘future scope’ of things was rampant and no one really believed in our profession.

“It’s great as a hobby, but what about real money. Training dogs is not a real job”

Having heard this from friends and family became our daily nature because no one had dared to plunge into this realm before.

Some of the very same people have changed their words to, “we always knew you’d do it and we’re rooting for you all the way”

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